How to Eliminate Stress in the Workplace

How to Eliminate Stress in the Workplace

How to Eliminate Stress in the Workplace

Three out of every four Americans describe their work as stressful. The United Nations’ International Labor Organization has been defined as a “global epidemic.”

At work, an employee’s workload is the number one source of stress. As companies increasingly experience mergers, growth, layoffs, and consolidations, thousands of employees take on increasingly expanding and ever-changing roles in the company. Many say the amount of work they have is the number one stressor.

Stress can be related to a variety of different factors. For factory workers, stress is often directly related to the work situation, such as working in an uncomfortable environment, or operating dangerous heavy equipment. Office workers are more likely to experience stress related to inter-personal relationships on the job. Issues such as unclear supervision or conflict with coworker are both causes of stress.

But stress can sourced to outside the office as well. Levels of occupational stress are determined primarily by three dimensions- life situations, work and self. Balancing personal, family, and work demands can be strenuous on an individual. And, competing demands from multiple aspects of your life can have a taxing demand on relationships.

There are several tactics to combat stress. Relaxation skills such as music, meditation, or breathing exercises can help ease stress in the moment. Exercise also helps relieve stress. Talking through issues with a trusted confidante can also help cope with stress. In work, time management can help you combat stressful workloads. And, taking regular breaks can help clear your mind and help you work more productively.

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