Staffing Agency Insurance: Connecting with Millennials

Staffing Agency Insurance Connecting with Millennials

Staffing Agency Insurance: Connecting with Millennials

Millennials are the most tech savvy generation to date. Yet according a new study, when it comes to learning they prefer to traditional educational methods.

A consulting firm conducted an online survey in which they asked 1,345 college students in the United States about their views on the future of education. While 53% of students said online colleges were a “reputable form of education,” only 43% felt that an online classroom can match or surpass the quality of a traditional one.

Despite their openness to online learning modules, 78% still think it’s easier to learn in traditional classrooms than through online courses and tutorials. However even though they favor an interpersonal approach to learning, 84% of the respondents still used their laptops or desktop computers in the classroom (19% use tablets and iPhones).

The millennial respondents predicted that online learning would continue to grow. They also said that social media would be integrated into classrooms as well. The study responded that they would even be willing to complete virtual internships as well.

So why is this valuable or interesting to recruiters? For one thing, it can help define recruitment communication mediums. Millennials are the youngest group entering the workforce and the next generation of professionals. You want to connect with them. From a recruitment standpoint, the information provides valuable information into how they communicate and learn; and how you can connect with them. Social media recruiting may play a larger role. And virtual internships could open up entire realms of possibility in telecommuting.

The second key factor is how they learn. A career is a continual education process. Determining how millennials learn can determine the effectiveness of on-job training and continual education programs. Maybe a multi-media approach would work better than simple lectures. On the other hand, based on the study, an entirely virtual class might not be the most effective method.

By examining how millennials learn and the mediums they use to communicate can help recruiters and employers find more qualified candidates that are a good fit for their company.

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