3 Steps For Conducting a Behavioral Interview

Behavioral interview questions ask a candidate to describe how they’ve demonstrated the specific skills required for the position they are applying for in specific detail and by using concrete examples from real-life experience. The interviewer is meant to uncover behavioral patterns to evaluate whether the candidate is a good fit. Staffing businesses must be very careful of their methods, as staffing liability is a serious issue. Knowing how to perform an effective interview can save so much time, effort, and money in the long run. A candidate’s past performance in a particular situation is a strong indicator of future success undergoing similar tasks within the job they are applying for.

Behavioral Interviews: Tips & Questions to Ask

Conducting a behavioral interview will allow businesses to bring on better hires. The major steps that will need to be done in order to conduct an effective behavioral interview are as follows.

Identifying Skills and Experiences

There is much more to a behavioral interview than simply reading the job description. You can begin by speaking with those who have been successful in the role. It is helpful to inquire upon what skills and traits benefited them, and what characteristics the department head believes a successful candidate will embody in this role. An internal collaboration will help develop a specific list of traits so that those involved in the hiring process will know what kind of candidate would thrive in a particular position.

Developing Questions

Ask the candidate how they’ve demonstrated each skill in prior jobs. For instance, is communicating with customers an important part of the position’s necessary skill set? If so, the candidate should describe a time when they successfully managed an important customer with significant demands.

Here are other common skill areas and behavior-focused question examples:


“Can you describe a time you spoke with an angry customer or colleague? What was the issue and what did you do to resolve it?”


“Can you explain a scenario when you anticipated a problem and initiated preventative measures?”

Taking Initiative

“Tell me about a time you took action for something you were not expected to do, in efforts to help your team or company.”


“Speak about a time when you needed to influence someone who didn’t agree with you. How did you help them see your point of view?”

Working under pressure

“How have you handled juggling multiple priorities under a specific deadline? Describe what you did to meet the deadline.”

Evaluate Answers

Evaluate candidates’ answers by looking for specific details and a professional approach to solving problems. Each question should have prompted the candidate to describe a challenging situation, what actions they took to improve it and the successful end result. If they did not provide this information, you can ask follow up questions, as you will want to continue to evaluate the answers based on the three factors, considering the situation the candidate faced, actions they took, and the result that came about because of their actions.

About World Wide Specialty Programs

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage, we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (877) 256-0468 to speak with one of our representatives.