Is Cyber Liability Essential to Staffing Insurance Policies?

Is Cyber Liability Essential to Staffing Insurance Policies

Is Cyber Liability Essential to Staffing Insurance Policies?

From social security number to client billing information, staffing firms have and incredible amount of access to privileged data. While in the past these confidential documents were kept under lock-and-key in office filing cabinets behind closed doors, today data of almost every nature is digitized, stored, transferred and filed away in the vast depths of the technological grid. While information theft has always been a problem for many businesses, it seems that in the age of digital technology criminals today have greater accesses to a wider variety of data with ease. Most digital employee and client file hold incredible amounts of personal information, such as addresses, telephone numbers, employment and tax forms, and maybe even bank account numbers if a firm offers direct deposit of employee paychecks. This information is exactly the type of data identity thieves and hackers look to attain as they patrol digital archives and company data servers.

Cyber-crime and data breaches are frequent and increasingly brutal. One security breach can have devastating effects on any business. There are thousands of ways for hackers to access secure corporate files from phishing software, viruses, Trojans and other malware downloaded through the internet to corrupting files and assuming control of internet compatible devices. While anti-virus and firewalls are essential front defense lines against attacks, cyber criminals are increasingly coming up with new ways to work their way into any given digital device, from computes to tablets and even mobile phones. Some experts advise that businesses store their sensitive data on a remote desktop computer that would act as a digital filing cabinet, with not connections to the company networks or web capabilities. However, new research shows that even a simple USB drive can be hacked and reprogramed to gain access into any USB compatible device. It may seem bleak, but the truth is, no device is 100% safe as long as it has access to the internet or contact with other devices.

One of the most effective ways to protect your staffing agency from the risks of a cyber-attack is by obtaining cyber liability insurance. At World Wide Specialty Programs, we offer comprehensive staffing insurance solutions for staffing and employment professionals. Our Staffing Agency Cyber Liability coverage is designed to provide protection from the costly aftermath of a wide variety of cyber security hazards. To learn more about how we can help keep your client’s safe from the many repercussions of a data breach, give us a call today at (877) 256-0468.Â