Developing a Staffing Plan: How to Identify Which Positions Are Needed

A staffing plan has a simple goal: make it known what roles, positions and jobs are needed by the agency or by your client organization. But it gets more in depth than just that. Staffing plans are developed over the course of a year, with information on how the organization will happen, including who will report to who and how they will work together. A staffing plan is a vital part of your agency, making it work at the core. And when in doubt, consult human resources to make things go by smoothly.

There’s a process that should be followed when putting together a staffing plan, and everything depends on the process. Once a draft is developed, you can put it to work. The first part of said plan is figuring out which positions are needed.

How to Formally Identify Staffing Needs

If you’ve already had a strategic business plan in place, then being able to identify your needs will be that much easier. A good plan in place means that things are going to go smoothly, which is key. Once you’ve specified who is doing what and the order it’ll be done in, then it’s time to make sure things are done in a timely manner. If you don’t have a written up business plan, don’t fret; you can still make things happen even when you’re new at it. A formal process often happens in this order:

  1. The strategic plan has specific goals and strategies available to help achieve those goals. If your staffing agency is smaller, you’ll be focusing more on objectives for each goal.
  2. An action plan is produced through strategy, with specific actions needing to be taken to implement each strategy and achieve objectives. An action plan should list resources available to make moves happen. These resources can include funding, facilities and expertise (people).
  3. A staffing plan is created through grouping similar types of expertise and tasks. Those are then often grouped into various jobs or positions. This stage, also known as the job analysis, is probably the most well known task.  If you’ve already worked somewhere where you’ve needed to group people together by expertise, then this part will come easy for you.

How to Informally Identify Staffing Needs

If your staffing agency is smaller, it’ll still need a staffing plan and staffing insurance. For most, this type of planning will be done on an informal basis. A manager can identify when it’s time to hire someone, especially when dealing with being understaffed. When things don’t get done, more job positions open up. If you need a staffing plan template, visit Color Days or AZ Central for examples.


About World Wide Specialty Programs

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage, we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (800) 245-9653 to speak with one of our representatives.