Preventing Abuse in the Workplace

Employers need to take an active role in establishing and enforcing policies to prevent abuse in the workplace. Abusive conduct that causes psychological or physical harm to individuals can occur in every workplace setting. Thus, employers across all industries need to be conscientious about prevention and mitigation strategies.

Workplace Abuse

Here are some ways to create policy and implement training initiatives to safeguard their workforce.

Make Prevention an Operational Priority

Safety initiatives often center on the performance of individual job tasks and the physical conditions in a workplace. In addition, employers need to recognize that keeping personnel safe from intentional and wrongful contact must factor into their policy addressing safety and human resources management.

As a general legal principle, businesses and individuals are not liable for a third party’s criminal acts. However, employers owe their employees a duty to prevent foreseeable workplace abuse. They must then take appropriate remedial action in response to all incidences of abuse. Also, insurance coverage for abusive acts liability can equip businesses to defend themselves against claims that a company’s leadership treated staff abusively. Also, it can help defend against allegations that they were permissive to abuse. Operating policies that create clear expectations about workplace conduct can deter these claims and project personnel.

Create Definitive and Adaptive /Policies

Anti-harassment policies and clear rules prohibiting abusive conduct should be a part of employee handbooks. Additionally, policies should also guide what employees can do and who they should contact if they believe they have experienced harassment or abuse. Reviewing policies is essential for companies to ensure they are conducting business properly. Likewise, it periodically enables employers to ensure that they are adequately addressing the needs of their organizational structure as it evolves.

Offer Staff Intensive Training

Simply handing employees a policy regarding their workplace interactions may not necessarily impart a strong understanding of employers’ expectations. In-depth training gives people practical guidance about how policies apply to specific job tasks and situations. Formal training also demonstrates the scope and importance of workplace abuse prevention in a company’s core values.

Companies need to devise systematic protocols to monitor and enforce policies. Compliance with internal policies about abuse and harassment can be a critical evidentiary issue in abusive acts liability claims.

Screen Applicants for Employment Thoroughly

Hiring job applicants with a violent criminal record or a history of abusive conduct in their place of employment could amount to negligent hiring practices. Also, hiring managers must conduct a thorough background check on all candidates. These background checks include a criminal record search and reference check.

Ultimately, taking decisive measures to prevent and respond to abuse is a fundamental way for companies to mitigate risk. Effective prevention initiatives help companies avert costly liability and reputational harm. 

About World Wide Specialty Programs

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage, we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (877) 256-0468 to speak with one of our representatives.