Tips for Retaining Staff to Share With Your Clients

As an agent providing much-needed staffing business insurance, there are a lot of ways to improve the level of your services and be a great help to your client. One of the things you can to do help clients reduce certain liabilities and improve their bottom line is offering insight into best practices that address the greatest risks or concerns of their industry. In this candidate-driven market, it’s important for employers to not only attract the most qualified talent but also retain them for a stable, consistent workforce.

What Are the Strategies To Retain Best Employees?

Employers are noticing that more and more employees are leaving jobs at unprecedented rates for the same reasons. Though better work opportunities and higher salaries are always high on the list of reasons why, new data is showing that employees who don’t feel valued, appreciated, hear or challenged are more likely to quit long before they’ve reached their full potential in a position. Constant turnover lowers morale and productivity, with a long-term impact on a company’s financial health. It can also make it harder to recruit or retain talented people.

Start With Recruiting

Team members who feel valued and who are confident in their work performance aren’t as likely to be on the lookout for a new job opportunity. Though retention seems to be an end-game, it actually starts with recruiting. It’s important for recruiting teams to know the short and long-term hiring goals and have a solid budget for attracting individuals right for the job. Identify where the talent currently is among the employees and what skills or experience can further compliment the team or fill in the holes.

Maintain a Good Reputation

Employers need to be careful about their reputation with both current and potential employees. A long application process, difficult communication, poor reviews from prior employees and low offers will create a poor reputation that impacts a company’s ability to hire great people. Internally, the company’s brand impacts employee happiness, engagement and productivity. The brand should appeal to everyone and should be consistent in motivating and inspiring greatness from the team.

What Are the Ways To Retain Employees?

The strategies to retain the best employees are simple but following them consistently and enthusiastically makes the difference. Here’s what an employer needs to implement for specific ways to help retain employees.

  • Expressed gratitude for a job well done
  • Promotions that start with internal team members
  • Rewards and incentives for top performers or extra efforts
  • Increased training and development opportunities
  • Flexible scheduling and time-off policies
  • Feedback and brainstorming sessions that produce results or change
  • Retention strategies that are individualized and competitive

The next opportunity you are given to consult about staffing business insurance policies, dig a little deeper and find out what challenges a client is facing. This advice can help improve their operations and make them more successful.

About World Wide Specialty Programs

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage, we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (877) 256-0468 to speak with one of our representatives.