Staffing Agency Insurance Trend: Role of Spouses in Recruiting

Staffing Agency Insurance Trend Role of Spouses in Recruiting

Staffing Agency Insurance Trend: Role of Spouses in Recruiting

Recruitment is focused on two things. 1) Ascertaining what your client wants. 2) Finding the candidate that fits that position. Many times, the focus is on the recruit. Especially for high-ranking, highly specialized positions, recruitment can be more of finding the top candidate and convincing them to take the position rather than sorting through stacks of resumes. When searching for lucrative candidates, suddenly other players emerge.

Recruiters no longer have only the candidate to worry about- in some cases they have to recruit the spouse too. In top positions that involve relocation or significant changes, the spouse becomes a key deciding factor, oftentimes playing a large role in whether or not the candidate takes a position.

Firms have changed recruiting tactics as well, according to the Wall Street Journal. For top positions, it is customary to fly in out-of-state candidates for face-to-face interviews or meetings. Some are now paying for the candidate’s spouses to accompany them. It is a chance to get to know their top candidates and their spouses personally, to address any concerns and help them ease the transition.

The trend is indicative of family dynamics. A career or job change can affect an entire family and consequently, has become a joint decision. In a recent study, forty percent of advisor who moved firms in the last five years said their family members encouraged the switch.

World Wide Specialty Programs has always had a singular purpose – to design, develop and provide staffing agency insurance programs for the staffing industry. Working with over 2,000 insurance brokers nationwide, we know the staffing industry better than anyone, and can provide great options for your staffing industry insurance needs. Contact us today for more information about our staffing agency insurance solutions. (877) 256-0468.