Temporary Staffing Industry: Interview Tips for Potential Candidates
While many times in the temporary staffing industry a candidate will be sitting down with a recruiter, who will determine whether or not they are right for the client for whom they are recruiting, sometimes clients will prefer to interview the candidate themselves. They can obtain valuable information this way, and may even use this pre-screening process as a way to determine if there would be any potential for keeping the temporary worker on a full-time basis later on. With this in mind, it’s important to share how exactly to get through an interview with potential candidates. Here are some interview tips for those prospects.
Be presentable.  CEO of the leadership development company ISHR Group Monique Honaman says that it’s important to wear a suit that fits and be sure to iron and/or dry-clean your interview outfit. She also advises that you avoid perfumes or colognes, and be aware of your hygiene.
Watch your timing. Of course you don’t want to be late for your interview; you should also try to not be too early. Many managers recommend showing up no earlier than 15 minutes beforehand, as then the interviewer will not feel rushed, and the candidate won’t have to sit around anxiously waiting.
Know whom you’re meeting with. It’s important to know the name of the interviewer so that you can ask for that person at the receptionist’s desk. Often, they don’t know who the candidate is interviewing with, and might not be able to direct you to the right person.
Remember that an interview starts when you walk through the door. Oftentimes, the receptionist or the first person you talk to when you walk into the business will report to the hiring manager how the candidate behaved in the waiting area. It’s important for candidates to speak respectively to everyone they meet and not act bored or annoyed about waiting.
These are just a few interview tips candidates should follow to ensure a successful experience. Other factors to keep into consideration are; maintaining good eye contact with the interviewer, avoiding checking their watch, and being sure to tell the interviewer they are interested in the position and why.
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