Attracting More Millennials: Integrating Mobile Processes

What Millennials Seek in a Workplace > Utilizing the Mobile Technology

This series of posts has focused on key ways to attract more millennials to your staffing agency. As consumer habits spill into the workforce, now more than ever is the time to integrate mobile practices. Mobility and instant access is driving the business culture, and companies need to implement this trend to position themselves accordingly to be considered a competitor. We’ve covered flexibility and philanthropy in our previous blogs, which are big selling features for this workforce. In this post, we’ll provide some information on the benefits of implementing mobile processes and tips on how to integrate them into your workplace to attract a more diverse work group. Before implementing any new policies, protect your firm with a comprehensive Staffing Agency Liability policy.


Mobile functions allow improved customer service and real-time access to important information. Some other key benefits and examples of uses are as follows, according to Strategic Growth Concepts:

  • Making presentations to customers, and being able to download product information to their network during the visit.
  • Quotations and interactive order processing.
  • Checking stock levels via the office network.
  • Interacting with colleagues while travelling – sending and receiving emails, collaborating on responses to tenders, delivering trip reports in a timely manner.

Efficient development.

With immediate access to feedback, businesses can develop new products and services and conduct faster research for what their clients want. This ensures your agency stays ahead of the curve.


Potential customers now see business advertisements on mobile phones through a wide variety of mobile marketing technologies including: SMS (text) messaging, mobile websites, mobile applications, banner ads, QR codes, IVR messaging and more.

Increased exposure is a given when these advertisements are sent via mobile technology. Plus, they can be customized to reach the intended demographic accordingly – anywhere from teenagers to potential customers in their 40’s and 50’s.

All of these benefits of mobile processes are evident, as well as allowing employees to utilize them. When an employee can update customer information, communicate with clients, and oversee relationships on their mobile devices, more can get done throughout the day. Flexibility is a major attraction for millennials, so allowing mobile access for these employees is a benefit that goes hand in hand.

About World Wide

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (800) 245-9653 to speak with one of our representatives.