As staffing agencies often manage massive amounts of candidates, they are looking for ways to improve the recruiting and placement processes. While Recruitment Insurance is a great way to cover all angles of risk management, the staffing industry is seeking to implement new technology and software to assist in the process.
In order to save precious time, industry leaders are enlisting the help of technology to improve their procedures. This plan will be implemented in a two-phased approach. The first phase seeks to improve ease of use and completeness of traditional search tools, providing recruiters with a true 360 degree view of candidates and the second includes company attempts to automate candidate-to-job matching, according to Search Technologies. In turn, positions will ideally be filled quickly and more efficiently. What’s more, the bottom line for businesses will see results as well as the decrease in lost time and productivity leads to increased revenue and profitability.
While similar products are available on the market today, many don’t differentiate thoroughly and still require plenty of human interaction. The new technology aims to include personalized, non-company owned information such as cover letters, interviews, evaluations, salary data, etc. to improve candidate placement.
The technological goal is to provide intelligent placement recommendations based on linguistics and statistics. This data will eventually allow staffing agencies, human resource managers, and more to track employee expertise, experience, and availability, as described by Search Technologies.
At World Wide Specialty Programs, we are committed to providing insurance solutions to staffing agencies in addition to trending staffing topics. Our broad coverage extends to agencies, employees, and company operations at competitive rates. For more information, contact our experts today at (877) 256-0468.