Staffing Agency Insurance: Top Job Search Trends
How are your candidates looking for jobs? What are your clients looking for when it comes to hiring professionals? These are important questions to ask as the answers will help your recruiters give guidance to your candidates and help your clients find the best employees for the job. In order to understand what it is that may be helping or hindering your candidate’s job search, it’s important to look at these top job search trends.
Ditching the Objective. Many companies and professionals feel that the objective on a resume is simply about the candidate and what they want. The resume should serve as a narrative as to how the candidate will solve the needs of the hiring manager. In addition, due to the high volume of applications received for any given job, hiring managers now often overlook a resume if the objective isn’t in line with the position they are looking to fill, even if that candidate would be perfect for the position.
Less Focus on Resume Length. Sure, a shorter resume may indicate that a candidate does not have much experience, and too long of a resume may turn off a reader. However the length is not as big of a concern to hiring managers, as long as every word is substantive and every statement is relative to the reader’s needs.
Creating and Cultivating a Social Media Presence. With LinkedIn’s more than 200 million members and with influencers, hiring decision makers, executives, and recruiters on the site, it pays to have a profile and utilize it. The same can be said for other growing channels such as Twitter and Facebook.
These are just a few of the job search methods trending with candidates right now. It’s important that you share with your recruiters and their candidates or potentials that simply applying online to jobs is not enough. It’s important to engage with people who either hire, or know people who hire, such as temporary staffing agency employees.
World Wide Specialty Programs has always had a singular purpose – to design, develop and provide staffing insurance programs for the staffing industry. Working with over 2,000 insurance brokers nationwide, we know the staffing industry better than anyone, and can provide great options for your staffing industry insurance needs. Contact us today for more information about our staffing agency insurance solutions. (877) 256-0468.