Could Candidates be Hindering Their Own Job Search?


Could Candidates be Hindering Their Own Job Search

Looking for a job can be a very frustrating and time consuming task. Many job seekers spend so much energy applying for tons of jobs only to never hear back from employers. The job search doesn’t have to be a constant struggle  if candidates will be aware of not only employment trends but also some common mistakes job seekers make.

1.)  Putting Quantity Over Quality. Candidates might think it best to blindly apply every open position they see, however, this is often very time consuming and unproductive. The most effective way to get the right job is to have a target strategy for ideal employers, then thoughtfully choose which applications to submit.

2.) Wasting the Top Third Of The Resume. If a hiring manager is not immediately drawn to your application, they will move on to the next candidate. Candidates should very specific and targeted keywords tailored for each individual job they are seeking.

3.) The Resume is Too Long. Trying to fit too much into a resume can actually hurt a job candidate. A hiring employer wants to look at a resume and quickly tell if the person is a good fit for the job or not. A resume should be a highlight, not a novel, of the candidates skills and background.

4.) Not Taking LinkedIn Seriously. LinkedIn has increasing become a major tool for hiring managers when contacting and selecting candidates. Anyone looking for a job should make sure they have an updated, full profile and a photo.

5.) Putting Too Much On Social Media. Hiring a new employee is a big risk for companies so they often try to gather as much information on a candidate as possible. Candidates should make sure that any social media accounts don’t scare an employer away by containing red flags such as offensive remarks toward past employers.

At World Wide Specialty Programs, we aim to stay up-to-date on employment trends so that we can better serve you. To learn more about our services, give us a call today at (877) 256-0468.