As a staffing agency professional, you’ve probably been in this situation. You find a perfect candidate for an open position, but the only problem is that the candidate is just a little overqualified for the job. As a rule, you should take care of your candidate, look out for their best interests, follow hiring trends, and have Staffing Employment Liability, but don’t write off a candidate just because they appear overqualified.
An article by Business News Daily discusses that these types of candidates have high levels of productivity and happiness at their jobs.
According to the article, the key to seeing benefits from overqualified employees is hiring them regularly, rather than making their hires a rare occurrence.
When an employees feels they are more advanced in knowledge than their co-workers, they often perform better because they perceive greater task-significance.
When you put an overqualified team member into a group of employees, it can bring morale and motivation up. The behavior exhibited by the overqualified employee can become the norm that other employees strive toward.
To ensure overqualified employees know they are recognized for their knowledge, companies should recognize employees’ qualifications when they are first hired. Then, the company should promote team member interactions to build team spirit and emphasize the importance of learning from one another.
At World Wide Specialty Programs, we know that you want to stay up-to-date on staffing trends and protect your business. To learn more about Staffing Employment Liability and other topics, give us a call today at (877) 256-0468.